This dataset list all the issues on the Github repository
The dataset is updated every day at 2 AM through a Github action on this repository.
List of corrections of OpenAlex affiliations.
Ce jeu de données liste toutes les issue de l'entrepôt Github
"github_issue_id": integer, issue number according to Github
"github_issue_link": string, weblink to the Github issue
"state": string, current state of the issue, can be "open" or "closed". An issue is closed if it has been treated by OpenAlex.
"date_opened": date, when the issue has been opened, ex "2024-11-15"
"date_closed": date, when the issue has been closed, null if not closed, ex "2024-11-18"
"raw_affiliation_name": string, raw affiliation string as collected by OpenAlex,
"has_added_rors": boolean, if the correction suggest the add of a ROR, 1 if true, 0 if false
"has_removed_rors": boolean, if the correction suggest the of a ROR, 1 if true, 0 if false
"new_rors": string, list of corrected RORs, separated by ";"
"previous_rors": string, list of RORs before correction, separated by ";"
"added_rors": string, list of added RORs after correction, separated by ";"
"removed_rors": string, list of removed RORs after correction, separated by ";"
"openalex_works_examples": string, weblink to OpenAlex work mentionning the affiliation string
"contact": string, encrypted version of the email of the author of the correction, only the domain name server is not encrypted
"contact_domain": string, domain name server